Welcome to Vibrant Health with Erin
Bodywork, Holistic Nutrition and Makeup Artistry

My Story
My passion for bodywork and nutrition began while I was working as a makeup artist in the film industry. My career was physically demanding and I struggled with chronic neck pain and lower back pain. At one point I was told I would have to have back surgery or possibly lose the use of my legs. I was frightened of the possible complications that could occur from a spinal fusion so I looked I for alternatives. I found bodyworkers that could help me and I never had the surgery. ​I was so happy to find holistic solutions that I was inspired to explore the healing arts myself.
Prioritizing your health is the greatest gift you can give to yourself
and your loved ones.
When we are Healthy, Vibrant and Strong we have the freedom to pursue our dreams, live our best lives and be there for others.
Gloria F, CA
Within a day or so after my session with Erin my knee pain had completely disappeared! I can even go up and down stairs without pain! It's been years since I could do that. Erin is a very sensitive, caring therapist that I would highly recommend to anyone with chronic pain.
Teresa F, CA
I started seeing Erin after a accident and I was having problems with my neck. She gave me such relief, I felt better and could think better. Erin will incorporate cranial therapy while also massaging all of you. She can really read what work my body needs. I've also have had 2 foot surgeries. She helped me with this also. I felt so much better with her help. After all the time of not walking correctly my body seemed so out of sync. Erin has helped me with that also. I definitely recommend Erin.
Vickie M, CA
Erin is a massage therapist AND does cranial sacral. I have used her services many times and each time I feel lighter and less constricted. Energy shifts always happen. She’s my favorite healer and I am so grateful for her talents!